Container Layer Analyzer

Today I’d like to point out an amazing new tool: The Container Layer Analyzer, written by Dan Čermák. Dan also wrote a comprehensive blog post about it, which explains it much better than what I do here.

The tool visualizes the storage requirements of a given container as a sunburst plot (you know it from the GNOME disk usage analyzer) within your webbrowser. See it for yourself, this is the plot for the current Tumbleweed container (

Example sunburst plot of the current Tumbleweed container

You can easily run this on your own machine:

$ podman run --rm -p 5050:5050
Ready. Listening on :5050

After starting, the web interface is running on localhost:5050.

Checkout Dan’s blog post for more info or head directly to the GitHub repository.

Thanks Dan for creating this amazing tool for us!